Game Guide in Outriders are the multitude of tips and helpful explanation that comes with the game. A good refresher of features existing so that that players may be able understand or just have easy access reminders for its mechanics.


Game Guide

Class and Skills

Class Tree

You earn Class Points for levelling up. There are 20 Class points in total, with the final point gained when reaching level 30.

Class points are used to unlock Class Tree nodes in the Class Tab of the Hero Menu.
The Class Tree has 3 main branches, each focusing on an aspect of Survival. Weapon damage or Anomaly Power, each corresponding to a different playstyle.

There are small and large nodes in the Class Tree.
Each small node grants bonuses to your character's attributes. Large Nodes' effects are much more significant, granting greater percentage- based bonuses and affecting wider sets of mechanics. Some large nodes affect entire sets of skills that have the same Keyword in their description.

You can always reset the Tree, which refunds all spent points, so you can freely experiment with your builds.

Character Level

To level up you must earn experience points awarded for killing enemies and completing quests.

The bigger the difference the enemy's level and your own, the greater the experience point amount gained for killing them.

Levelling up increases your character's Maximum Health and Anomaly Power, and unlocks new Class Points and Skills (For more information go to Skills and Class Tree).


Upon levelling up you may unlock a new skill. These are your special abilities that can have various effects:

  • Skills can deal damage based your character's Anomaly Power (a value you can check in Player Stats, accessed in the Hero menu's Inventory tab).
  • Skills can inflict Status effects on enemies: crowd control, damage over time or debuffs (for more information o to Enemies: Status Effects).
  • Some skills provide buffs for you and your party, increase your mobility, or interrupt enemy movement and attacks.

Your basic skill is an Anomaly Push and every Class has its own version. To use the other 8 skills you first need to equip them in one of the 3 available Skill Slots.

Note that it is possible to swap the equipped skillset at any time, although you cannot unequip a skill that is a currently in Cooldown.

Skills are labeled with Keywords that describe an aspect of the Class. Some large Class Tree nodes grant bonuses to all skills labeled with a particular keyword (for more information go to Class Tree). The Hero menu's skills tab contains detailed information about each skill and its use.

Skill Targeting And canceling

Skills use a number of targeting methods that sometimes require choosing a particular enemy within the skill's range. For more information regarding individual skills, please refer to the descriptions in the Skills lab of the Hero Menu.

Skills that are thrown or used on a selected enemy can be cast using aiming mode, entered into by holding the corresponding skill button. While engaged in aiming mode you can always cancel the ability. Note that should you cancel costing an ability, it will be available again after a brief moment.

All skills can be quickcast by simply tapping the corresponding skill button. In this case, the skill used on the closest valid target or thrown in the direction you're aiming.

Health Regeneration

When your health drops below the threshold marked on your health bar, your health is restored over time as long as you do not recieve additional damage. Some Class Tree nodes can be used to raise this threshold.

Additionally, some Class Tree nodes provide passive health regeneration that always restores a portion of your health even above the threshold.

When combat is over, your health is fully restored.

Class Heal and Leech

Each Class has an innate healing mechanic:

  • Devastator - heals with every Close Range kill
  • Trickster - Heals and grants Shield with every Close Range kill,
  • Pyromancer - heals when killing enemies Marked with Skills
  • Technomance - Significantly increased Weapon Leech 

For more class healing details, check the description of your first class tree node.

Health leeching is another way to heal:

  • Weapon Leech: heals you for a percentage of damage by a weapon.
  • Skill Leech: heals your for a percentage  of damage dealt by a Skill.

Additionally, Healing can be achieved through certain Skills and Item Mods (Pay attention to their descriptions).

Direct heals can be boosted by 'Healing Received' attribute:

  • Healing Received increases the amount of health restored through direct healing (does not affect Leech and Regeneration)


Some skills, Class Tree nodes,  and Item Mods  provide ways to generate Shield, which serves as a buffer to your existing Health. Your maximum shield value  is the same as your character's maximum health.

Enemy attack deplete and destroy your Shield first, and only deplete Health after the Shield is destroyed. If an attack's damage exceeds the current Shield value, the remaining damage will be applied to your Health.

Shield depletes over time even when you're not receiving damage.

Status Effects on Players

When you are affected by the bleeding-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBleed status, you will receive damage over time while moving. You can avoid taking damage from bleeding-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBleed  by standing still for duration of the effect.

When you are affected by the burn-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBurn  status, you can remove the status and avoid damage by rolling.

The toxic-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideToxic effect is removed when you receive Healing during its duration.

You can break through crowd control effects. When you are affected by ash-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideAsh or freeze-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideFreeze.  You can use your melee attack to break free.

Players can be granted Status Immunity through certain item Mods. While the effect lasts, you are completely immune to all status effects and enemy attacks will not apply them.

 Dead But Not Out

When you die you respawn outside of the arena you were defeated in. In Co-op, however, instead of dying instantly, your character will enter the Dead But Not Out state and can be revived by a Party member.

Reviving another Player heals a portion of your own health as well.

All Players in a DBNO state are revived and healed fully when the combat ends.

Once per combat, each Player can use self-revive when they are in the DBNO state. Self-reviving works the same way as being by a Party member.



With a scientist on your side, you get access to Crafting. Talk to Zahedi at the camp to enter the Crafting Menu.

Crafting lets your improve your gear. There are 5 methods of improving gear: Improve Rarity, Raise Attributes, Mod Gear, Swap Weapon Variants, and Level Up.

Improve Rarity

This option lets you increase the rarity of an item up to Epic. Improving the rarity of Common and Unusual item costs Ironiron-resources-outriders-wiki-guide or Leatherleather-resources-outriders-wiki-guide. Improving the rarity of Rare item costs titanium-resources-outriders-wiki-guideTitanium (For more information go to Items and resources: Resources).

The Bonus attribute values of the improved item will be raised randomly. When improving to Rare or Epic you will be presented with three random Mods, and you select one of them to be added to the item.

Raise Attributes

You can use anomaly_shard-resources-outriders-wiki-guideAnomaly Shards to raise the bonus attributes of an item. Raising an attribute has a price in the amount of corresponding shards (for more information go to Items  and resources: Resources). Attributes have 6 upgrades stages available, displayed below each attribute in the Crafting menu.

If you dismantle an item whose attributes have been raised, you are refunded a portion of the shards invested in it.

Mod Gear

You can swap one of an item's Mods  for another from your list of Known Mods.  The list is filled with Mods from items you dismantle (for more information go to Items and resources: Dismantle).

This action is repeatable. However , when you choose which slot to modify, the other becomes permanently locked from modifcation.

Remember that modding gear  this way allows you to create a combination of Items and Mods that would not normally appear in the game!

Mod effects don't stack, meaning that two items with the same Mod will grant this bonus only once. Such obligated Mods will never occur for items gained as loot, but with crafting those rules can be broken. So when planning what to craft, avoid adding Mods with the same name.

Swap Weapon Variants

As your character levels up, you unlock new Weapon Variants for each Weapon type (for more information go to Items and resources: Weapon Variants). The cost of this action is determined by the level of the Weapon selected for swapping, not the Variant.

Level Up Items

Rare, Epic and Legendary items can be leveled up. This costs leather-resources-outriders-wiki-guideLeather or iron-resources-outriders-wiki-guideIron for Rare items and titanium-resources-outriders-wiki-guideTitanium for Epic and Legendary items.

Leveling up increases item's primary parameter (firepower or armor) and rerolls attributes values. In case of Rare and Epic items, this action also frees up one stage of available upgrades (for more information, see Raise attributes).

Since the number of bonus attributes on an item is determined by its level, this action may result  in the addition of a new, random attribute (for more information go to  Items  and resource: Attributes).


Status Effects

Some weapons, abilities and enemy attacks cause Status Effect alongside, or instead of dealing damage. There are 8 Status Effects: ash-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideAsh, bleeding-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBleed, burn-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBurn, vulnerable-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideVulnerable, freeze-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideFreeze, toxic-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideToxic, weakness-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideWeakness and slow-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideSlow.

ash-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideAsh and Freeze are crowd control effects that stop an enemy's or character movement and attacks.

  • ash-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideAsh stops an enemy for 2.5 seconds
  • freeze-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideFreeze stops an enemy for 3.5 seconds

When used cosnecutively, the duration of these effects gets shorter. Crowd control can trigger status_resistance-outriders-wiki-guideEffect Resistance in elite enemies (for more information go to Effect Resistance).

bleeding-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBleedburn-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBurn and toxic-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideToxic cause damage over time.

  • bleeding-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBleed does damage equal to 2.5% of your Ability Power every 0.5 seconds, for a duration of 5 seconds.
  • burn-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideBurn does damage equal to 3.7% of your Ability Power every 0.5 seconds, for a duration of 6 seconds.
  • toxic-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideToxic does not damage equal to 3.5% of your Ability Power every 0.5 seconds, for a duration of 6 seconds.

Each Player in a session can cast one instance of each status per enemy. Inflicting the status again will refresh the duration of the status, but it won't stack.

vulnerable-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideVulnerable increases the damage received by 25% for 10 seconds and weakness-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideWeakness decreases the damage dealt by 30% for 6 seconds.

slow-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideSlow reduces movement and attack speed by 30-75% , depending on the enemy's status resistance, for a duration depending on the Skill or Mod used. 

There are Attributes, Mods  and Class Tree nodes that can make Status Effects more powerful.

Keep in mind that Status Effects are weaker against Elite enemies due to their Status Resistance.

For more information, see  Class and Skills: Status Effects on Players.


There are different types of enemies that you will encounter while exploring  Enoch. Each type has its own range of attacks and behavior.

Some enemies will rush you and use melee or short range attacks, while others will keep their distance, hiding behind cover (humanoid enemies only), while attempting to hit you from afar.

Each enemy type has attributes of Health, Armor and Resistance, that determine how much damage is required to kill them and how much your physical or Anomaly-based damage is mitigated.

Recognizing the type of enemy you are fighting and adjusting your strategy accordingly is half of the battle

Close and Long Range Damage

Depending on your distance to the enemy, your weapon damage can be modified by either the Close Range Damage or the Long Range Damage attribute (for more information go to Items and resources: Attributes).

Close Range Damage, by default, modifies weapon damage dealt to enemies that are closer than 10 metres away from you. You cna find Class Tree nodes that reduce the distance considered to be long range.

Elite and Boss Enemy Types

Some enemies are stronger than regular types and are marked by a Red Skill on the minimap. These enemies are Elites.

Many of them are equipped with Anomaly-base skills similar to your own (for more information go to Enemy Skills and Class and Skills:Skills).

Sometimes you will encounter a Boss enemy. These enemies have a lot of health, deal a lot of damage and have unique abilities.

Enemy Skills

Enemies using regular skills have a standard skillset determined by their type or species. Altered Elites, however, each have a unique set of available skills, so be prepared to adapt and overcome.

When an enemy is preparing to use a skill, a casting bar is displayed over their health bar and name. This means you can interrupt and stop them by using a skill of your own that has Interrupt keyword (for more information go to Class and Skill:Skills). Note that not all enemy attacks are interruotible.

Effect Resistance

Elite enemies have an ability to enter an status_resistance-outriders-wiki-guideEffect resistance state. Once activated, the enemy becomes immune to all crowd control statuses (ash-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideAsh, freeze-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guide Freeze, slow-status-effect-outriders-wiki-guideSlow - for more information go to Status Effects)  and interrupts caused  by your and your party's skills and weapon mods.

status_resistance-outriders-wiki-guideEffect resistance is activated when the enemy is affected by several crowd control effects or interrupts in a short period. An icon appears next to the health bar when the Elite is hit by such an effect, then starts turning blue, and once enough crowd control effects have been applied , it turns blue which signifies that the Effect resistance have been activated.

This ability ends when the radial bar timer around the status_resistance-outriders-wiki-guide icon shows zero. At that point, the enemy returns to be being susceptible to crowd control and interrupt.

Gameplay and Activities

Main Quest and Timeline

As you progress through the main quest, Story Points will unlock in your Timeline. 

You can play through any previously unlocked Story Point. Keeping your character progress, XP, and items. Changing Story Points can be done via the Timeline, which is accessible throught the Select Story Point option in the lobby.

Side Quests and Collector Quests

There are multiple activities, other than the main story quest, that become available as you explore the planet of Enoch. 

Side quests are optional missions you can complete to level up faster and gain better loot. They provide more insight into the world , its characters , and are often connected to the main storyline. 

Collector Quests are optional missions with numerous objectives scattered around the world.

Upon completing a Side or Collector Quest, return to the quest giver to be rewarded with XP and your choice of a new piece of loot out of 3 options, Completing the entire set of Collector Quests has its own, valuable reward.

These activities can be replayed at any time, granting you different rewards.

World Tier

World Tier determines  the game's difficulty. There are 15 World tiers in total. A higher world Tier would reward you with better loot drops and more experience points when killing enemies

 You can unlock World Tiers by playing with the highest currently available tier selected. Experience points gained for killing enemies will add to the World Tier progress bar. Completing quests does not add to the progress bar. When the bar is filled, a new World Tier will unlock, until you reach the max tier. You lose portion of your World Tier progress whenever you die.

 You can select the World Tier in the Game Menu, where you can also choose to have the game automatically select the highest World Tier available. Remember to claim the one-time rewards you can receive for unlocking new tiers.

In Co-op play, you can play on your own highest available World Tier as the Party Leader. If another player is the Party Leader and has chosen a tier higher than what you've unlocked, you can continue levelling up as you would with your own highest World Tier.


 Accolades are a collection of ambient tasks that you can complete and explore the game. Many Accolades have up to 5 tiers with increasing requirements

Completing Accolades allows you to raise your accolade level, which earns you a pack of cosmetic rewards. On top of that , some accolades have unique rewards that can be obtained only by completing very specific requirements .

Co-Op Play

In the Lobby's Change Activity screen or the Game Menu, you can set the party to be 'Open' (meaning anyone can join). 'Closed' (meaning only invited players can join) or 'Friends Only' (meaning only friends can join).
Up to 3 players can play together in a co-op session. To host a sesssion as the Party Leader you can do one of the following:

  • invite friends to your lobby before the game starts.
  • invite friends to the party from the Game Menu.
  • access the matchmaking menu at camp (using the antenna)
  • set your game privacy to 'public' or 'open to friends' and let other players join at any time

Should the Party Leader leave the game, one of the remaining players in the party will become the new Party Leader.

The game's difficulty adjusts to the number of players in the party. Each player receives their own loot drops from enemies. Items cannot be shared or traded between players. 

 Co-Op Quests and Progresss

Both the main storyline and side activities can be played in co-op.

If you join a party that has progressed further than you in the main storyline, you will be warned about encountering potential spoilers, but you will be free to join anyways if you want to. When you play ahead of your own progress, the checkpoints you complete will be unlocked in your Timeline and the ones you have not will remain locked.

When a member of the party decides to leave an area, there is a vote taken among the party. At least two member of the party must agree to travel, or travel will be cancelled. To vote, follow the prompts on the screen. Voting 'yes' can also be done in the world by entering a circle to the entrance to the next area.

When joining a party, you will automatically start tracking the party leader's quest, but it can be switched to any of your own active quests.

Item and Resources


When enemies are killed, they drop loot. These drops contain ammunition and resource pick-ups that are collected when stepping near them. Loot often contains items. To collect an item from the ground , move near it. A short description will appear, prompting you to pick up equip or dismantle the item. Note that you can active automatic loot pick-up and filler the lowest tier that will be automatically picked up in the game's options.


You can find gear in enemy loot drops, chests, receive them as quests rewards, or buy them at vendors. 

Each piece of equipment has its own Level  and one five Rarity Tiers: Common, Unusual, Rare, Epic and Legendary. The item's attributes and bonuses are determined by its level and Rarity Tier.

There are 4 weapon Classes:

  • Assault
  • Shotgun
  • Sniper
  • Sidearm

Each Weapon has its own ammunition pool


All weapons have the Firepower attribute, and all armor pieces the Armor attribute. Items of Unusual and higher rarity also come with bonus attributes that provide benefits when equipped or, if the items this is a weapon, when equipped and selected.

Bonus attribute are:

  • Armor Pierce: lowers the damage reduction by the enemy's armor value
  • Crit Damage: raise the damage done by successful critical hits.
  • Weapon Leech: heals you for a percentage of damage dealt by a weapon.
  • Skill Leech: heals you for a percentage of damage dealt by a Skill.
  • Healing Received: Increases the amount of health restored through direct healing (does not affect Leech and Regeneration)
  • Close Range Damage: Increases weapon damage at close range (closer than 10 meters by default).
  • Long Range Damage: Increases weapon damage at Long range (further than 25 meters by default)
  • Bonus Firepower: Increases weapon damage.
  • Anomaly Power:  Increases skills damage
  • Max Health: Increases your Health value.
  • Cooldown Reduction: Decreases the cooldowns on your skills.
  • Status Power: Increases the effectiveness of your status effects, in the case of Burn, Bleed and Toxic it increases the damage done, in the case of Ash, Freeze, Vulnerable  and Weakness it increases the duration of the effect.

The higher the item's level, the more bonus attributes it has.


Rare, Epic and Legendary items have Mods in addition to bonus attributes. These are custom, Anomaly-based affects that can have a strong influence on your playstyle and often change how your skills work. You can find how a Mod works and what triggers in the item's description.

Mod effects don't stack - meaning that two items with the same mod will grant this bonus only once. Such duplicated mods will never occur for items gained as loot, but with crafting those riles can be broken. So when planning what to craft, avoid adding mods with the same name.

Armor pieces and weapons have separate mod pools. Additionally, some mods can only be found on Legendary items.

Weapons Variants

Weapons have different configurations named Variants

Variants define a weapon's gunplay style and affect its firing mode (single-fire, burst-fire, automatic), clip size, damage per second , recoil spread, level of zoom when aiming, etc.

As your character levels up, you unlock new Weapon Variants  for each Weapon type. The variant of a weapon can be changed using crafting.

Note that ammunition is shared between weapons of the same class regardless of their Variant (for more information go to items).

Item Management

Loot on the ground can be picked up or instantly equipped. All Items that you pick up or equip can be found in your Inventory, if you run out of available space, however , items are transferred to the Item Stash  and can be accessed in a chest at camp (for more information got Player camp: Camp location).

Once the item is in your Inventory you can equip, dismantle or sell it to a vendor.


The inventory screen allows you to dismantle unwanted items.

This gives you Resources (leather-resources-outriders-wiki-guide Leather  from armor pieces, iron-resources-outriders-wiki-guide Iron from weapons and titanium-resources-outriders-wiki-guideTitanium from Epic and Legendary items.), Anomaly Shards (for more information go to Crafting: Raise Attributes). and adds the dismantled items' Mods to the list of your Known Mods (for more information go to  Crafting: Mod Gear).


There are several types of resources in the game:

scrap-resources-outriders-wiki-guideScrap is the currency used for buying items. You can gain it by killing enemies, completing  quests and selling items to vendors (For more information, see Player camp: Vendors).

leather-resources-outriders-wiki-guideLeather, iron-resources-outriders-wiki-guideIron and titanium-resources-outriders-wiki-guideTitanium are Crafting resources.

  • leather-resources-outriders-wiki-guideLeather can be obtained by killing hostile animals and dismantling pieces of armor.
  • iron-resources-outriders-wiki-guideIron is found by harvesting Ore veins and dismantling weapons
  • titanium-resources-outriders-wiki-guideTitanium is granted by dismantling Epic and Legendary items. It sometimes drops from tougher enemies and ore veins

anomaly_shard-resources-outriders-wiki-guideAnomaly Shards are used for raising bonus attributes through Crafting, Each attribute has its own crystal pool. You can gain Anomaly Shards by dismantling items. A Crystal iconanomaly_shard-resources-outriders-wiki-guide next to an attribute in the item's description shows which types of Anomaly Shards you will receive upon dismantling (for more information, see  Crafting: Raise Attributes).

drop_pod-resources-outriders-wiki-guideDrop Pod Resources are received for finishing Expeditions and are spent for entering the Inner Ring, the Final Expedition or buying items and resources.

Player Camp

Camp Location

In each region the Camp serves as a hub location where you can find your travel companions. World and Local Map Travel, Crafting, Vendors , Item Stash Access and Matchmaking.

You can access the functions by talking to various  characters or by interacting with certain objects at your campl


To travel locally (within a region), find any of the explorer's Flags in a region and interact with them. You can instantly move to any other flag you have visited in the region!

To travel between the regions, talk to the convoy's driver at camp. You can visit regions that have been unlocked through your progress in the main quest. Note that revisiting a region will respawn all enenmies, refill chests and replenish ore veins!


Talking to the convoy's driver at camp lets you enter Customization options.

You can customize your Truck, Banner  and available Emotes with items that you unlock by completing Accolades (for more information go to gameplay and activities: Accolades)

Item Stash

Stash lets you store and transfer items between your characters. Item stash is a chest that can be found at the camp. Items are placed there should you run out of space in your personal Inventory. Once accessed, you can move items from the stash to your Inventory and vice versa.


You can buy and sell equipment at vendors that you encounter throughout your journey.

Buying items costs scrap-resources-outriders-wiki-guideScrap (for more information go to Items and resources: Resources). Vendors have special offers  for better items and time-limited sales, so check them frequently to find better or cheaper Gear.

You receive scrap-resources-outriders-wiki-guideScrap when selling your own items at vendors

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